06 Dec How to Catapult Your Career with a Personal Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard strategic planning and management system is the brainchild of Robert Kaplan and David Norton.  It was originally created as a performance measurement framework which added non-financial measures to the mix of KPIs used by leaders to give them a more balanced view of organizational performance. Over time, the balance scorecard evolved into a mechanism for taking a...

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15 Nov How Your ‘Favorites’ ★ Influence Your Success

The late Jim Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker who mentored the likes of Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup book series).  I recently stumbled across an article that credited Rohn with saying “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”   I was immediately fascinated by these words.  How true!...

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20 Oct Brain Hacks To Become A Star Performer

Have you ever wondered what makes some employees compelled to go the extra mile at work, while others are ok with just getting by?  Science suggests that each individual's willingness to put in extra effort at work may be explained in terms of our brain chemistry.  Hard working, effective, productive employees are referred to as “A Players”, “Go-Getters”, “High Potentials”, and “Star...

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07 Oct Employee Engagement: Ask Not What Your Employees Can Do For You

What makes people passionate? In the age of knowledge work, employees crave the feeling that comes from knowing that the work they are doing is making a contribution towards the company’s success. Let’s face it, most people don’t want just a paycheck. They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. This is the essence of employee engagement. Engaged...

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21 Sep Strategy Execution Starts Here: A Balanced Scorecard Overview

Strategy execution is one of the key ingredients in the secret sauce of successful companies. But more often than not, companies don’t effectively translate their strategy into action. In many cases, leaders state a vision and then either put it on a shelf or just assume that everyone knows what to do to get there. But in order to make...

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